Jim that works at Candied Apple in Julian, Ca
Very nice man that has traveled and has amazing stories, hope to come back and meet you again!
Bob at Desert Ironwood Motel and Campground which basically saved our in life in the middle of Ocotilio desert!
Some fellow cross country tandem riders that are riding from San Diego, Ca to Virginia! They stopped us on our way out of Quartsite to see how our trip was going. So best of luck to you!
Lovely couple from Georgia that was traveling in there little motorhome all over the US.
Pete and Crystal that helped us out on the side of the road outside Benson, Az. Gave us some co2's, tubes, and paydays! Pete has done the RAAM before and there both very nice cyclists!
Special thanks to Crazy Cat Cyclery in El Paso, Tx helped us with our bikes on one of our days off! Great people and great work. Definatey recommend them if your in the area.
6625 Montana Ave.
El Paso, Tx 79925

Our friend Dion! We met him in the middle of nowhere! (Actually 10 miles south of Marathon, Tx on the 90 highway) He had started in Tampa and is ending in San Diego! Keep it up Dion hope to here from you soon!
Thanks to Action Bikes in Universal City, Tx about 15 minutes out of San Antonio! Got my mom's derailer fixed and new chain on in about 30 minutes, thanks to the mechanic Josh. Awesome service and products, check em out if your in the area.
1645 Pat Booker Rd. Suite #111
Universal City, Tx 78148

The Walts family in The Woodlands, Tx. Awesome family and great stay, looking forward to seeing them again soon!
Super nice guy that gave us a ride over the bridge in Lake Charles that is both illegal and very dangerous to ride over!
Super funny lady in Gibson, La totally stoked on what we were doing.
Definiely one of the cooler people we have met all trip, so we were walking down Canal st. in downtown New Orleans and saw these two people ride by with bags on there bike like us. We said "HEY STOP STOP", and they looked quite puzzled for a few seconds, we then figured out they were foreigners and speak mostly spanish. So we got there bikes off the street and with what little spanish I learned in high school haha and what little english they could understand we told each other a little bit about both our trips. They came flew from Granada Spain and left from Tampa, Fl to ride across the US to Southern California, just as we are doing. I helped them with some routes i told them to take and told them where they needed water and where they should ask for rides because there was no water. Super nice people that were very friendly and said to come stay with them whenever we wanted to in Spain, so might have to look into that :)
Michaels Bicycle in New Orleans French Quarters, awesome shop with everything you need, super cool owner Michael that has done a bunch of touring in his life. Has many stories, great guy, great place, look them up!
Wow, it looks like you two are having a great time and meeting a lot of people. We hope things are going great for you out on the open road :-) Wishing you both the best!!
Tony & Amy
Glad you two made it across! Congrats!